Ancient Indian History Quiz

Prepare Yourself with our Ancient Indian History Quiz

Job Mall welcomes all the government job seekers in this quiz section. Here you can practice questions related to govt exam. In this Ancient Indian History Quiz section, you will get the questions and answers related to Indian History along with an explanation for your better preparation.

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1. Who is the father of history in India?


2. Which of the following is also also known by the name of Jitendriya?


3. Gurmukhi, Dogri, and Sindhi scripts have developed from which of the following scripts?


4. Which of the following was the first drama of Kalidasa?


5. During which Governor rule, the Indian Civil Service was introduced


6. Which of the following were considered as Dvija or twice-born?
1. Brahmanas
2. Kshatriyas
3. Vaishyas
4. Shudras
Select the correct option from the codes given below:


7. Who was the primary God worshipped by the Indus people?


8. Which city was the capital of the Maratha Kingdom during the reign of Chhatrapati Shivaji


9. Swami Vivekananda attend the ‘Parliament of the World’s Religions’ in America in the year


10. The Battle of Plassey was fought in


11. Bimbisara was the founder of which one of the following dynasties?


12. Who wrote ‘Nagananda’?


13. In the Vedic Era, Akhyani is the goddess related to…


14. The other name of Chanakya is


15. Who found ‘Din-e-Ilahi’ religion


16. Which of the following Ashokan inscriptions mentions the name Ashoka?


17. Which of the following is found at Eran which is an example of a Malwa Culture site?


18. Yavanpriya in ancient Hindu Texts refers to which among the following?


19. Who ruled the kingdom between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab?


20. Which one is the Upveda of Rig-Veda?

