HPSSC Hamirpur Solved Paper Clerk 2021 with Expalnation – Part 2

➤ The headquarters of North-Eastern railway is at

  • Gorakhpur
  • Assam
  • Kolkata
  • Danapur

Gorakhpur, a bustling city in Uttar Pradesh, serves as the strategic headquarters for the North-Eastern Railway zone. This key location helps manage the extensive railway network that connects various northeastern regions with the rest of India, making it a pivotal point in the railway infrastructure.

➤ Johadji fair, the most famous fair of Solan district of Himachal Pradesh is associated with

  • Guru Nanak Dev
  • Guru Govind Singh
  • Guru Arjun Dev
  • Guru Teg Bahadur

Johadji Fair, celebrated in Solan district, is deeply linked with Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism. This fair not only commemorates the revered Guru but also reflects the rich cultural and spiritual traditions of the Sikh community in the region.

➤ At what interval is the Bhunda festival of Nirmand held?

  • 12 years
  • 6 years
  • 9 years
  • 25 years

The Bhunda Festival, a grand celebration in Nirmand, occurs every 12 years. This lengthy interval heightens the festival’s significance, drawing visitors from far and wide who eagerly anticipate this rare and spectacular event.

➤ Who named Chamba after the name of his daughter Champavati?

  • Sahil Varman
  • Meru Varman
  • Lakshman Varman
  • None of these

Chamba, a historically rich town in Himachal Pradesh, was named after Princess Champavati by her father, Sahil Varman. This naming honors his daughter and adds a personal touch to the town’s historical narrative.

➤ Kangra Fort was built by

  • Susharma Chand
  • Sansar Chand
  • Ghamand Chand
  • Bhuma Chand

Kangra Fort, one of the oldest and most impressive forts in Himachal Pradesh, was constructed by Susharma Chand. His efforts in building this fortress are a testament to the grandeur and strategic importance of the Kangra region.

➤ The place of 84 temples in Himachal Pradesh is

  • Bharmour
  • Udaipur
  • Trilokpur
  • Paragpur

Bharmour is renowned for its cluster of 84 ancient temples, each representing a piece of the region’s rich spiritual heritage. This collection of temples stands as a historical and cultural marvel in Himachal Pradesh.

➤ The Dr Rajendra Prasad medical college Tanda was established in which year

  • 1996-97
  • 1999-2000
  • 1998-99
  • None of these

The Dr. Rajendra Prasad Medical College in Tanda was founded in the academic year 1996-97. It has since become a key institution for medical education and healthcare, named in honor of India’s first President.

➤ The central theme of Kangra School of painting was the love story of

  • Radha and Krishna
  • Heer and Ranjha
  • Sohni Mahiwal
  • None of these

The Kangra School of painting is famous for its exquisite portrayal of the love story between Radha and Krishna. These artworks capture the divine romance and spiritual devotion with remarkable detail and beauty.

➤ Which sage has been associated with the Rewalsar of district Mandi of HP?

  • Rishi Lomash
  • Rishi Jamdagni
  • Rishi Beas
  • Rishi Parshuram

Rishi Lomash is a significant figure associated with Rewalsar in the Mandi district. His connection to this location enriches its cultural and spiritual heritage, adding depth to the region’s mythological and historical tapestry.

➤ Bijli Mahadev temple is located in which district of HP?

  • Kullu
  • Mandi
  • Chamba
  • Kangra

Bijli Mahadev Temple is situated in the picturesque Kullu district. Known for its stunning location and unique religious significance, the temple is a cherished landmark that attracts pilgrims and tourists alike.

➤ Gochi festival is celebrated in which district of HP?

  • Lahaul and Spiti
  • Sirmour
  • Bilaspur
  • Kinnaur

The Gochi festival is a vibrant celebration unique to the Lahaul and Spiti district, known for its rich cultural traditions and community spirit.

➤ Joori is a folk dance of which district of HP?

  • Sirmour
  • Hamirpur
  • Chamba
  • Una

Joori is a lively folk dance originating from Sirmour, showcasing the district’s cultural heritage through rhythmic movements and traditional music.

➤ “Kinner Desh” book is written by

  • Rahul Sankrityayan
  • Ram Rahul
  • Ranzor Singh
  • TS Negi

“Kinner Desh” is authored by the renowned scholar Rahul Sankrityayan, known for his profound contributions to literature and research on Himalayan cultures.

➤ The oldest hydel project in HP is

  • Shanan
  • Nathpa Jhakri
  • Karchham Wangtoo
  • Chamera

The Shanan hydel project holds the distinction of being the oldest in Himachal Pradesh, marking a significant milestone in the state’s development of hydroelectric power.

➤ Which district in HP is the highest producer of mango?

  • Kangra
  • Solan
  • Shimla
  • Mandi

Kangra is renowned for its mango production, leading the state in both quantity and quality of this popular fruit.

➤ Indian Institute of Advanced Studies is located at which district in HP?

  • Summer Hill, Shimla
  • Sundar Nagar
  • Palampur
  • Dharamshala

The Indian Institute of Advanced Studies is situated in Summer Hill, Shimla, known for its picturesque setting and contributions to higher education and research.

➤ The vice-chancellor of Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur was

  • Dr. HR Kalia
  • Dr. RK Singh
  • Dr. MR Thakur
  • Dr. LS Negi

Dr. HR Kalia served as the vice-chancellor of Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya Palampur, playing a key role in advancing agricultural education and research.

➤ Kunihar valley in HP is located in which district of HP?

  • Solan
  • Bilaspur
  • Hamirpur
  • Una

Kunihar valley, known for its scenic beauty, is located in the Solan district, offering a serene environment and picturesque landscapes.

➤ Bhaddal glacier is situated in which district of HP?

  • Kangra
  • Lahaul Spiti
  • Kullu
  • Kinnaur

Bhaddal glacier is located in the Kangra district, adding to the natural beauty and geographical diversity of the region.

➤ Lord Mayo visited Shimla in which year?

  • 1871
  • 1851
  • 1891
  • 1901

Lord Mayo’s visit to Shimla in 1871 marked an important historical event, reflecting the significance of Shimla during British colonial rule.

➤ Hamirpur town was founded by

  • Hamir Chand
  • Alam Chand
  • Anand Chand
  • Deep Chand

Hamir Chand founded Hamirpur town, which is named after him and has since developed into a notable administrative and cultural center.

➤ Which organisation has recently formed Eshield next life insurance product?

  • SBI Life Insurance
  • Life Insurance Corporation
  • HDFC Life Insurance
  • Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance

SBI Life Insurance has introduced the Eshield Next life insurance product, offering enhanced coverage and protection options for policyholders.

➤ With which country, the Indian Navy has signed “joint guidance” for naval cooperation?

  • Australia
  • Japan
  • USA
  • South Korea

The Indian Navy has signed a “joint guidance” for naval cooperation with Australia, strengthening maritime ties and collaborative efforts in the region.

➤ Which state has recently launched the ‘Dalit Bandhu scheme’?

  • Telangana
  • MP
  • Tamil Nadu
  • Chennai

The ‘Dalit Bandhu scheme’ was recently launched in Telangana to support the upliftment and economic empowerment of Dalit communities.

➤ Which organisation has recently launched a new cybersecurity multi-donor trust fund?

  • World Bank
  • Asian Development Bank
  • European Development Bank
  • RBI

The World Bank has introduced a new cybersecurity multi-donor trust fund to enhance global cybersecurity and protect against digital threats.

➤ Recently Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin has resigned. He was Prime Minister of which country?

  • Malaysia
  • Afghanistan
  • Philippines
  • Cambodia

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, who recently resigned, was the Prime Minister of Malaysia, reflecting recent political changes in the country.

➤ Which state has recently launched “Cattle Protection Bill 2021”?

  • Assam
  • Manipur
  • Sikkim
  • Odisha

Assam has recently introduced the “Cattle Protection Bill 2021” to ensure the welfare and protection of cattle within the state.

➤ Which state has recently announced the creation of four new districts?

  • Chhattisgarh
  • West Bengal
  • Jharkhand
  • Telangana

Chhattisgarh has announced the creation of four new districts, aiming to enhance administrative efficiency and governance in the state.

➤ Which state police department has recently launched an e-FIR initiative?

  • MP
  • West Bengal
  • Kerala
  • Andhra Pradesh

The MP police department has recently launched the e-FIR initiative, facilitating a more efficient and accessible process for filing First Information Reports.

➤ Under the Tribunal Reforms Bill 2021, how many appellate tribunals will be abolished?

  • 09
  • 12
  • 15
  • 18

The Tribunal Reforms Bill 2021 proposes the abolition of nine appellate tribunals, aiming to streamline the judicial process and reduce redundancy.

➤ India has defeated which nation to clinch the bronze medal in hockey in the Tokyo 2020 Olympics?

  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • Argentina
  • Netherlands

India secured the bronze medal in hockey at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics by defeating Germany, marking a significant achievement in Indian sports history.

➤ MO is related to PR, in the same way as BD is related to?

  • CE
  • CF
  • CG
  • EG

In the same way that the letter pair MO is to PR (where each letter shifts by 3 positions in the alphabet), BD is related to EG with a similar positional shift.

➤ Missing letters in the series ___ ___ ba bbba __a__ __ are

  • ababb
  • baaab
  • bbaba
  • babbb

The correct sequence to complete the pattern is babbb, maintaining the established pattern of repetitions and alternations.

➤ How many pairs of the letters in the word ‘SUBJUGATING’ in which the difference between them is the same as in the English alphabet?

  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four

In ‘SUBJUGATING’, there is only one pair of letters with the same alphabetical difference as their positions in the English alphabet.

➤ If the certain code ‘MACHINE’ is coded as LBBIHOD, which word would be coded as SLTMFNB?


The coding pattern for ‘MACHINE’ to ‘LBBIHOD’ translates ‘SLTMFNB’ to ‘TKULGMC’ by shifting each letter according to the established code rules.

➤ If sand is called air, air is called plateau, plateau is called well, well is called Island, and Island is called sky, then from where will a woman draw water?

  • Well
  • Island
  • Sky
  • Air

Given the redefinitions, a woman will draw water from the place now called ‘Island,’ which was originally known as ‘Well.’

➤ Rakhi starts from point Q and moves 25 meters southward. Then she turns left and moves 30 meters, then she turns right and moves 15 meters to reach point P. What is the distance of point P from Q and which direction is she facing with respect to Q?

  • 50 meters south-west
  • 50 meters south-east
  • 45 meters south-east
  • 40 meters south

Rakhi ends up 50 meters south-east of point Q after her movements, reflecting the correct distance and direction from the starting point.

➤ If the day before yesterday was Thursday, when will Sunday be?

  • Today
  • Two days after today
  • Tomorrow
  • Day after tomorrow

If the day before yesterday was Thursday, then Sunday will be tomorrow, providing a clear calculation based on the given information.

➤ In a row of 29 boys, Vijay is at the 17th position from the left end while Manish is 17th from the right end. How many boys are there between Vijay and Manish?

  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

With Vijay and Manish positioned such that they are 17 places from both ends of a row of 29, there are 3 boys between them.

➤ Which is different from the rest?

  • 11
  • 21
  • 31
  • 41

21 is the odd one out because it is the only non-prime number among the choices, while the others are prime numbers.

➤ January 1, 1992 was a Wednesday. What day of the week will it be on January 1, 1993?

  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Sunday

Since 1992 is a leap year, January 1, 1993 will be the day after Wednesday, which is Friday.

Directions Choose the correctly spelt word  out of four given alternatives A B C and D

➤ Which is the correct spelling?

  • Streengent
  • Stringent
  • Strengent
  • Stringant

The correct spelling is ‘Stringent,’ meaning strict or severe.

➤ Which is the correct spelling?

  • Ostracize
  • Ostrecize
  • Ostrasize
  • Ostresize

‘Ostracize’ is the correct spelling, meaning to exclude or banish someone from a group.

➤ Which is the correct spelling?

  • Fikel
  • Fikal
  • Fickle
  • Fickal

‘Fickle’ is the correct spelling, referring to someone who changes frequently or unpredictably.

➤ Which is the correct spelling?

  • Subside
  • Subcide
  • Sabside
  • Sabcide

‘Subside’ is the correct spelling, meaning to lessen or decrease in intensity.

➤ Which is the correct spelling?

  • Distinkshion
  • Distinckshion
  • Distincshion
  • Distinction

‘Distinction’ is the correct spelling, referring to a notable feature or difference.

Directions choose the most appropriate option out of the four given alternatives A B C and D.

➤ Would you mind ________ to the Principal how the trouble started?

  • Talking
  • Remarking
  • Telling
  • Explaining

‘Explaining’ is the appropriate word to use in this context, as it indicates providing a detailed account.

➤ When the morning ________ the murder was discovered.

  • Occurred
  • Came
  • Arrived
  • Happened

‘Came’ is the most suitable word, indicating the time when the murder was discovered.

➤ He didn’t register his _________ to the proposal.

  • Deviation
  • Divergence
  • Disfavour
  • Dissent

‘Dissent’ is the correct word here, meaning an expression of disagreement or opposition.

➤ In the large cities, people are cut ________ from nature.

  • Down
  • Out
  • Off
  • Away

‘Off’ is the correct word, indicating separation or detachment from nature.

➤ Let’s make _________ our quarrel and be friends again.

  • Up
  • Off
  • Out
  • With

‘Up’ is the appropriate choice, meaning to resolve or end a quarrel and restore friendship.

Directions choose the most appropriate option out of four alternatives A, B, C and D which best conveys the meaning of given expressions.

➤ A man who has the qualities of a woman.

  • Loquacious
  • Calibate
  • Effeminate
  • Epicurean

‘Effeminate’ describes a man with qualities traditionally associated with women.

➤ Place which provides board and lodging.

  • Cafe
  • Inn
  • Restaurant
  • Motel

An ‘Inn’ is a place that offers both board and lodging.

➤ To surround with armed forces.

  • Seize
  • Attack
  • Cease
  • Besiege

‘Besiege’ means to surround a place with armed forces.

➤ A cure of all diseases.

  • Exorcism
  • Incantation
  • Panacea
  • Antibiotic

‘Panacea’ refers to a remedy that is supposed to cure all diseases or problems.

➤ Tumour which is not likely to spread.

  • Benign
  • Localised
  • Dead
  • Malignant

‘Benign’ describes a tumour that is not likely to spread or be harmful.

Directions Choose the most appropriate option out of four alternatives A, B, C and D  which are opposite to the meaning  of the given word.

➤ Vindicate

  • Exonerate
  • Condemn
  • Defend
  • Excuse

‘Vindicate’ means to clear someone of blame or suspicion.

➤ Convene

  • Cancel
  • Adjourn
  • Dissolve
  • Postpone

‘Convene’ means to bring people together for a meeting, so ‘Cancel’ is the opposite action.

➤ Inimical

  • Friendly
  • Cheerful
  • Neutral
  • Emotional

‘Inimical’ means hostile or unfriendly, so ‘Friendly’ is the opposite.

➤ Artificial

  • Solid
  • Truthful
  • Authentic
  • Natural

‘Natural’ is the opposite of ‘Artificial,’ referring to something that is not man-made.

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