HPSSC Hamirpur Solved Paper Clerk 2021 with Expalnation – Part 3

निर्देश  शुद्ध शब्द चुनिए:

  • गिरीन्द्र
  • गीरिन्द्र
  • गिरिन्द्र
  • गीरीन्द्र

The correct word is “गिरीन्द्र,” which is the properly spelled form of the name.

  • अतिउत्तम
  • अत्युत्तम
  • अतीउत्तम
  • अत्यूतम

“अत्युत्तम” is the correct spelling, meaning “excellent” or “supreme.”

  • निरजल
  • नीरजल
  • निर्जल
  • नीर्जल

The correct word is “निर्जल,” which means “without water.”

  • उन्नति
  • उनति
  • उन्नती
  • उनती

“उन्नति” is the correct term for “progress” or “advancement.”

  • अधिकांष
  • अधीकांष
  • अधिकांश
  • अधिकांश

“अधिकांश” is the correct word meaning “majority” or “most part.”

➤  Credit

  • जमा
  • गोष्ठ
  • गणवेश
  • कनिष्ठ

“जमा” is the correct translation for “credit,” which means “deposit” or “credit.”

➤  Allotment

  • दिष्टि
  • दूती
  • धारा
  • दृष्टांक

“दिष्टि” is the correct word for “allotment” in the context of distribution.

➤  Representative

  • प्रतिकाश
  • प्रतिदिन
  • प्रतिनिधि
  • प्रतिरक्षा

“प्रतिनिधि” is the correct word for “representative.”

➤ Compensation

  • मुचलका
  • संयोजक
  • मुद्रलेखन
  • स्थगन

“संयोजक” is the term used for “compensation” in some contexts, though “मुआवजा” is a more common term.

➤  Adjournment

  • संकेंद्र
  • संयोजक
  • सामयिक
  • स्थगन

“स्थगन” is the correct term for “adjournment,” meaning the postponement of a meeting or event.

➤  “नायिका” का संधि विच्छेद है

  • न+इका
  • ने+इका
  • नै+इका
  • नो+इका

The correct sandhi vichchhed is “नै+इका,” which means the word is formed by combining “नै” and “इका.”

➤ “दही” का तत्सम है

  • घृत
  • गोध्री
  • दीपः
  • दधी

“दधी” is the correct तत्सम form of “दही,” which means curd or yogurt.

➤  “बाबू” का स्त्रीलिंग है

  • बाबूई
  • बबुआ
  • बाबुआई
  • बाबूआइन

“बाबूआइन” is the correct feminine form of “बाबू.”

➤  “भीख” का बहुवचन है

  • भीख
  • भीखारी
  • भिखारी
  • भीखों

“भीखों” is the correct plural form of “भीख,” meaning “alms.”

➤  “आजीवन” में स्मास है

  • अवयीभाव
  • तत्पुरुष
  • द्वंद्व
  • बहुवृहि

“अवयीभाव” is the correct स्मास (compound) for “आजीवन,” indicating “for life.”

➤ “व्यक्ति” की भाववाचक संज्ञा है

  • व्यक्ति
  • व्यक्तिगत
  • व्यक्तित्व
  • व्यक्तियां

“व्यक्तित्व” is the correct abstract noun form for “व्यक्ति,” meaning “personality.”

➤  “गर्म” का विशेषण है

  • गर्मी
  • गर्म
  • गर्मायश
  • गर्मि

“गर्मी” is the correct adjective form of “गर्म,” meaning “heat.”

➤ “सगुण” में उपसर्ग है

  • सग
  • गुण

“स” is the उपसर्ग (prefix) in “सगुण,” meaning “with attributes.”

➤ “कान” का पर्यायवाची है

  • तट
  • कर्ण
  • कष्ट
  • द्विज

“कर्ण” is the correct synonym for “कान,” meaning “ear.”

➤  “चोली दामन का साथ” मुहावरे का अर्थ है

  • पक्का साथ
  • थोड़े दिन का साथ
  • सह जाना
  • खुशामद होना

The idiom “चोली दामन का साथ” means “pukka saath” or “steadfast companionship.”

➤  In MS word, table can be created by using

  • Spell
  • checker table
  • open table
  • sort table

In MS Word, a table is created using the “checker table” option.

➤  Moving a paragraph in MS word from one place to another can be done by

  • Open option
  • select all, cut
  • select, cut and paste
  • none of these

The correct method is “select, cut and paste” to move a paragraph in MS Word.

➤ What is “cloud computing”?

  • A new environmentally friendly way of computing
  • Storing files online
  • Apple’s latest computer operating system
  • None of these

“Storing files online” is the definition of “cloud computing.”

➤  Where are documents that you place on Google drive stored?

  • On your school network
  • on flash drive
  • in the cloud
  • none of these

Documents on Google Drive are stored “in the cloud.”

➤ How many types of alignment are available in Wordpad?

  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
  • 10

There are 4 types of alignment available in WordPad.

➤ What is a wordpad?

  • Text editor
  • hardware
  • operating system
  • none of these

WordPad is a “text editor.”

➤  What is the maximum zoom size in WordPad?

  • 200
  • 400
  • 500
  • 800

The maximum zoom size in WordPad is 500.

➤  In WordPad home and view is called

  • Group
  • tab
  • alignment
  • none of these

In WordPad, “home” and “view” are called “tabs.”

➤  In MS Word, in how many ways can you save a document?

  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6

You can save a document in MS Word in 3 different ways.

➤ How many columns can you insert in a word document at maximum?

  • 35
  • 45
  • 55
  • 65

The maximum number of columns you can insert in a Word document is 45.

➤ What is the default file extension for all word documents?

  • .txts
  • .word
  • .docs
  • .docx

The default file extension for Word documents is “.docx.”

➤ The minimum number of rows and columns in MS Word document is

  • 1 and 1
  • 2 and 1
  • 2 and 2
  • None of these

The minimum number of rows and columns you can have in an MS Word table is 1 and 1.

➤ In MS Word, pressing F8 key for three times selects

  • A word
  • a sentence
  • a paragraph
  • entire document

Pressing the F8 key three times in MS Word selects a sentence.

➤ In MS Word, what is the shortcut key to split the table?

  • Control + Alt + Enter
  • Control + Shift + Enter
  • Alt + Shift + Enter
  • Alt + Space + Enter

The shortcut key to split a table in MS Word is Control + Shift + Enter.

➤ Which is not a type of page margin?

  • Left
  • Right
  • Centre
  • Top

Centre is not a type of page margin in MS Word; the standard margins are Left, Right, Top, and Bottom.

➤ Which option in the File pull-down menu is used to close a file in MS Word?

  • New
  • Quit
  • Close
  • Exit

The option used to close a file in MS Word is “Close.”

➤ Which is not available in font spacing in MS Word?

  • Normal
  • Loosely
  • Condensed
  • Expanded

“Loosely” is not a type of font spacing option available in MS Word.

➤ Word processor would most likely be used to

  • Keep an account of money spent
  • Do a computer search in media centre
  • Maintain an inventory
  • Type a biography

A word processor is most likely used to type a biography or any text-based document.

➤ Which is not an essential component to perform a mail merge operation?

  • Main document
  • Data source
  • Merge fields
  • Word fields

“Word fields” are not an essential component for performing a mail merge operation. The essential components are the main document, data source, and merge fields.

➤ Which of the following are word processing software?

  • Word Perfect
  • Easy Word
  • MS Word
  • All of these

All of the options listed are examples of word processing software.

➤ Cursor control commands allow the user to

  • Move one character at a time
  • Jump to the beginning or the end of the current line
  • Move one word at a time
  • All of these

Cursor control commands allow the user to move one character at a time, jump to the beginning or end of the current line, and move one word at a time.

➤ An example of a block move operation is

  • Cut and paste
  • Deleting a character
  • Inserting a character
  • Both B and C

“Cut and paste” is an example of a block move operation, which allows you to move a section of text or data.

➤ Which allows you to reuse a portion of text several times in a document?

  • Block and re block
  • Block and copy
  • Block and delete
  • Block and move

“Block and copy” allows you to reuse a portion of text multiple times in a document.

➤ By default, on which page is the header or footer printed?

  • On first page
  • On alternate page
  • On every page
  • None of these

By default, the header or footer is printed on every page of a document.

➤ What is the shortcut key for manual line break?

  • Control + Enter
  • Alt + Enter
  • Shift + Enter
  • Space + Enter

The shortcut key for a manual line break is Shift + Enter.

➤ Which is the lightest gas?

  • Nitrogen
  • Hydrogen
  • Ammonia
  • Carbon dioxide

Hydrogen is the lightest gas among the options provided.

➤ The hardest substance available on Earth is

  • Platinum
  • Coal
  • Diamond
  • Gold

Diamond is the hardest substance found on Earth.

➤ Which is used as filler in rubber tyres?

  • Graphite
  • Coal
  • Coke
  • Carbon black

Carbon black is used as a filler in rubber tyres to enhance their durability and performance.

➤ The best colour for a sun umbrella will be

  • Black
  • Black on top and white on inside
  • White on top and black on inside
  • None of these

The best color for a sun umbrella is white on top and black on the inside, as this combination provides the best protection against heat.

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