HPSSC Hamirpur Solved Paper JOA IT 2021 with Expalnation – Part 1

➤ Which of the following layers in the ISO OSI reference network model lies between physical and network layers?

  • Data link
  • Application
  • Transport
  • Session

The Data link layer is responsible for the node-to-node data transfer and error detection and correction.

➤ Which layers in the ISO OSI reference network model are responsible for routing of packets over the network?

  • Physical
  • Data link
  • Network
  • Transport

The Network layer is responsible for packet forwarding and routing through intermediate routers.

➤ A web based information repository that is collaboratively edited by the members of the concerned community is called a ________.

  • Web application
  • Wiki
  • Portal
  • Blog

A Wiki is a type of website that allows collaborative editing of its content and structure by its users.

➤ A Frequency band of the spectrum reserved for unlicensed usage is called _____ band.

  • Bluetooth
  • ISM
  • ISP
  • WiFi

The ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) band is allocated for unlicensed use, including WiFi and Bluetooth technologies.

➤ A computer can capture all the packets being transmitted over the shared transmission medium by setting the network interface in _______ mode.

  • Active
  • Safe
  • Promiscuous
  • Dormant

Promiscuous mode allows a network interface to intercept and capture all packets on the network, not just those addressed to it.

➤ Which of the following is an invalid IPv4 address?

  • 10.1.1

IPv4 addresses consist of four octets, each ranging from 0 to 255. ‘’ is invalid because 270 exceeds the valid range.

➤ Which of the following IPv4 address series is reserved by IANA for private use?

  • to
  • to
  • to
  • to

The address range ‘ to’ is designated for private networks by IANA.

➤ Which of the following is optic fibre cable?

  • UTP
  • Ethernet
  • Multimode
  • CAT6

Multimode refers to a type of optical fiber cable used for short-distance data transmission.

➤ What is the full form of the term WEP used with Wi-Fi security?

  • Wireless Equipment protection
  • Wireless Electronic privacy
  • Wireless enabled password
  • Wired equivalent privacy

WEP stands for Wired Equivalent Privacy, a security protocol for wireless networks.

➤ Which of the following is generally not a function of an operating system?

  • Process management
  • Protection and security
  • Word processing
  • Memory management

Word processing is typically not a function of an operating system but rather of application software.

➤ Which of the CPU scheduling algorithms may not cause starvation?

  • Shortest Job first
  • Shortest Remaining Time first
  • Priority scheduling
  • Round Robin

Round Robin scheduling algorithm allocates time slices to processes, ensuring no process is starved.

➤ A______is a memory that stores the data, while it is being transferred between two devices or an application.

  • Spool
  • Stack
  • Buffer
  • Cache

A Buffer temporarily holds data while it is being transferred between devices or applications.

➤ Which of the following is not a major version of Microsoft Windows operating system?

  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XE
  • Windows ME
  • Windows XP

Windows XE is not a recognized major version of Windows OS.

➤ In Windows 10, how can one sneak a peek at the desktop without closing or minimizing all the open windows?

  • By pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift
  • By moving the mouse cursor at the end of the taskbar
  • By shaking mouse cursor
  • By long pressing shift key

Hovering over the end of the taskbar shows a preview of the desktop.

➤ What is the short method to minimize all the other windows except the one you wish to keep visible in Windows 10?

  • By long pressing Ctrl key
  • By grabbing the window’s title bar using mouse and shaking it
  • By pressing F1 key
  • By pressing Ctrl+Alt+S

Shaking the title bar of a window minimizes all other open windows.

➤ In Windows 10, the _______ provides quick access to notifications, toggle battery saver mode, choose a network, and access tablet mode.

  • Menu bar
  • Quick launch bar
  • Action Center
  • Status bar

The Action Center in Windows 10 provides quick access to various settings and notifications.

➤ Which of these describes a situation when a computer does not respond to any input from the user?

  • Sleep
  • Hang
  • Suspend
  • Boot

A “Hang” refers to a state where the computer becomes unresponsive to user inputs.

➤ A ______ is a situation that arises when two threads access a shared variable simultaneously and the final value in the variable depends upon the order of execution of thread instructions.

  • Deadlock
  • Race condition
  • Belady anomaly
  • Cache miss

A Race Condition occurs when multiple threads access shared data concurrently and the outcome depends on the order of execution.

➤ What is the format of an Android application package file?

  • EXE
  • DLL
  • APK
  • APF

Android application packages use the .APK format.

➤ Red Hat is an example of

  • Anti-virus software
  • Linux distribution
  • Database management system
  • Image editing software

Red Hat is a Linux distribution used in enterprise environments.

➤ What is the Linux command to delete a file?

  • erase
  • rm
  • del
  • kill

The ‘rm’ command is used to remove files in Linux.

➤ What is the full form of GUI?

  • Graphical User Interface
  • Graphical User Interface
  • Graphical Universal Interface
  • Graphical Unified Interface

GUI stands for Graphical User Interface, which provides a visual way to interact with computers.

➤ In which of the following operating systems is the file system most likely to use the ext4 format?

  • Windows
  • Mac OS
  • Unix
  • Linux

The ext4 file system is commonly used in Linux operating systems.

➤ Which of the following is a social networking site?

  • Wikipedia
  • Reddit
  • Facebook
  • Google Scholar

Facebook is a social networking site that allows users to connect and interact with others.

➤ Which of the following is the latest release of the Linux Kernel as of July 2024?

  • 5.14
  • 5.15
  • 6.5
  • 6.4

The Linux Kernel 6.5 is the most recent release as of July 2024.

➤ Which of the following is not an example of a database management system?

  • MySQL
  • MongoDB
  • Microsoft Office
  • PostgreSQL

Microsoft Office is not a database management system; it is a suite of productivity applications.

➤ Which programming language is known for its use in web development and is a popular choice for server-side scripting?

  • C++
  • Java
  • PHP
  • Python

PHP is widely used for server-side scripting in web development.

➤ What does the acronym ‘HTTP’ stand for?

  • Hyper Transfer Text Protocol
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  • Hypertext Text Transfer Protocol
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol, used for transferring web pages on the internet.

➤ Which of the following is used to retrieve data from a database?


The SELECT statement is used to query and retrieve data from a database.

➤ The process of finding and correcting errors in software code is known as ______.

  • Compiling
  • Debugging
  • Testing
  • Debugging

Debugging involves identifying and fixing bugs or errors in software code.

➤ Which of the following is a popular version control system?

  • Jenkins
  • JIRA
  • Docker
  • Git

Git is a widely used version control system for tracking changes in source code during development.

➤ Which of the following is a major component of a computer’s hardware?

  • Operating System
  • Software
  • Applications
  • Processor

The Processor, or CPU, is a core hardware component responsible for executing instructions.

➤ The act of translating a high-level programming language into machine code is called _______.

  • Compiling
  • Compiling
  • Interpreting
  • Translating

Compiling is the process of converting high-level code into machine code that a computer can execute.

➤ In a computer network, the term ‘bandwidth’ refers to _______.

  • Data transfer rate
  • Network speed
  • Latency
  • Data transfer rate

Bandwidth refers to the maximum rate at which data can be transmitted over a network.

➤ Which of the following is a cloud storage service?

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Google Drive
  • Microsoft Word

Google Drive is a cloud storage service that allows users to store and access files online.

➤ In networking, what does LAN stand for?

  • Local Area Network
  • Local Area Network
  • Large Area Network
  • Long Area Network

LAN stands for Local Area Network, which connects devices within a limited area.

➤ In programming, what is the primary purpose of a loop?

  • To terminate a program
  • To create functions
  • To repeat a block of code
  • To handle exceptions

A loop is used to execute a block of code repeatedly based on a condition.

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